But the world is described in a particular manner. You know there are many words in Sanskrit to describe the universe, vishva, dhyo but here the word used is jagat, it is very significant, it is not pell-mell.
As Sri Aurobindo says the Rishis in writing the Upanishads were extremely precise, they never wrote casually, like many poets of the present day write. But the Upanishadic poets were extremely precise in their images and the use the word to invent something very tremendous in their minds. What is the tremendous meaning that they're giving to the word? If you use the word jagat, ‘ga’ in Sanskrit means movement (like ‘go’ in English). The word ‘go’ in English has come from the Sanskrit word ‘ga’.
The origin of all the Aryan speech you will find, whether in English, German, French, Italian, Greek, Chaldean, Tamil or in Sanskrit all these are what are called the Aryan languages and therefore you find so many similarities in these words. So, ‘ga’ in all these languages means movement, in Sanskrit gama, gachati means movement. One of the first words that we learn in Sanskrit is gama gachati, which means to ‘go’; gam is the root of the word gama, gachati − is the one who goes. Jagat is that which moves, there is a word Isha, then there is a word vasa, then the word sarva, then there is this word jagat that which is constantly moving, which is in motion. Instead of saying this universe, it says all that is moving is for habitation by the Lord that is the meaning of the first sentence.
īśāvāsyam idam sarvam yat kiñca jagatyām jagat
All that is there, that is moving, is for habitation of the Lord. Then it says tyaktena, tyakta means renounce, give up, abandon. The word comes from tyaga in Sanskrit, tyaga means giving up renunciation. These are very important words that we have to understand. We are learning an Upanishad, which is written in Sanskrit, which is unfortunately not known by you but these words have their own meanings and you have to see that actually the right method of learning anything is that it is learned directly through the language in which it is written. But this condition is very difficult to fulfil right now and yet you want to grasp; what is there. So we have to start where we are and do our best in the way we can, therefore, I have given you the trouble to go into these words.
Tyaga is a very important word in the whole Indian culture, all throughout the history of India, the word the tyaga is very important. Tyaga means renunciation, to give up, to abdicate, bhunjitha this is another word, bhunja, bhojana, the word bhojana, is the meal, eat, eat to enjoy. Bhojana, not only a meal but anything that you're enjoying any object that you enjoy is called bhojana, this word is important. The word is bhunja and the noun is bhojana. bhoj is to enjoy and bhojana is the meal, is the object of enjoyment. Dhana is another word, dhana means wealth, not only wealth in the terms of money, any wealth is dhana. Anything which I regard as my property, in my possession is dhana, if I say this as my glass then this glass is my dhana.