“The ideal attitude of the sadhaka towards Time is to have an endless patience as if he had all eternity for his fulfilment and yet to develop the energy that shall realise now and with an ever-increasing mastery and pressure of rapidity till it reaches the miraculous instantaneousness of the supreme divine Transformation.” Let us read again. We should read it five times because it is one of the most important sentences in this chapter.
“The ideal attitude of the sadhaka towards Time is to have an endless patience as if he had all eternity for his fulfilment…” Therefore, never to be in haste, no hurry, endless patience. That is the first attitude. Don’t demand that you must realise God today. It is an ignorant demand, an egoistic demand as if you are important rather than God being important. You should have endless patience as if he had all eternity for his fulfilment. So imagine the kind of patience that one must have. Many people who turn to the path of yoga egoistically they demand so much from the Divine that they become frustrated easily and they fall in their yoga. They destroy their own efforts by becoming too impatient. But that it is not enough it is only half the sentence! While being very patient you have something to do here and now. Don’t say that there is a lot of time and everything will happen. This is an attitude of patience which is good but at the same time couple it with another attitude: we should develop the energy… Whatever faculties you have, whatever faculties you can develop now without postponement you develop them now. “… and yet to develop the energy that shall realise now and with an ever-increasing mastery and pressure of rapidity till it reaches the miraculous instantaneousness of the supreme divine Transformation.” You should develop your energy now and more and more, as rapidly as possible so that a day may come when what is needed to be done can be done immediately, instantaneously. Ask it is given on the spot; complete transformation you want, on the spot you can have, immediately. So you combine two attitudes. Mother once said to me a good definition of time, first: “Have no ambition -- n’ambitionne jamais” Because ambition always breaks you down. You have a goal but no ambition. Then, “whatever you can do, without pretension, whatever you want to do, whatever you have to do, do it as perfectly and as quickly as possible.” You combine both the things, quickness and perfection. You combine them together and you get the exactly right rhythm of the time movement. Do as perfectly as you can and do as quickly as you can. You combine these two together, this formula of Sri Aurobindo will be fulfilled.