1 Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, SABCL, 1971, Vol. 10, p.16.
2 Ibid., pp.30-31.
3 Ibid., Vide., p.64.
4 Ibid., p.439-440.
5 Ibid., The Life Divine, Vol. 18, p.68.
6 Ibid., Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Vol.11. p.23.
7 Ibid., The Secret of the Veda, Vol.190. pp.191-2.
8 Ibid., The foundations of Indian Culture, Vol.14,pp. 280-81.
9 Ibid., The Synthesis of Yoga, Vol.20, pp.3-4.
10 Ibid., The Life Divine, Vol.19, pp.889-90.
11 Ibid., Vol. 18, p.10.
12 Ibid.,pp.3-4.
13 Ibid., Vol. 19, pp.1067-68.
14 Ibid., p.823.